



General health care is a vital portion of the economy in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The industry is represented in many segments, from Fortune 500 companies to small business providers. 保健产品制造商,如3M和St. 裘德医疗中心把这个县当做他们的家, 多家知名医院加入, 医疗保健提供者和医疗保险提供者.

一个保险公司, , has recently undertaken a significant project to establish an operations center in Ramsey County, with a commitment to equitable hiring practices and a more inclusive workforce.

书 had been based in the Minneapolis suburb of Minnetonka for decades. Following the 2020 civil unrest that occurred across the Twin Cities, company officials were determined to create jobs where high unemployment and broad diversity were present. 由公司指导 使命宣言 “…成为客户值得信赖的健康计划选择, 成员, 合作伙伴和我们的员工,” 书 decided to open a call center and claims processing operation in St. 保罗,雇佣当地人在那里工作.

“进行经济捐赠本来很容易, 但我们想做得更多,里奇·巴克利说, 书的人才招聘经理. “The decision to commit to a bricks-and-mortar location offered more than just transactional support. It demonstrated 书’s commitment to the community and our employee culture, and offered an opportunity for people from these communities to truly build careers.” 


The company opened its office in the Wilder Foundation building in the Midway area of St. 保罗在2021年1月. 对位置有几个要求, 包括靠近公共交通, 书 officials worked with community partners like Ramsey County, 圣. 圣保罗区商会,圣路易斯市. 保罗, 城市委员会, 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力解决方案, RealTime Talent and the Midway Chamber of Commerce to find a location that fit. 

2020年之前, individuals from the Midway area hired to work at 书’s Minnetonka headquarters would have to drive through two major metropolitan areas to get to work. 

“Having the Midway location lifts a barrier to employment because it will simply be easier for people from the area to get to work,巴克利说。.

在2021年2月 《爱博love体育》,来自St .的Channon Lemon. 保罗区商会说, “This is a tremendous example of an organization intentionally locating to provide jobs and access and opportunity and to establish a footprint and build relationships with new talent — and potentially new customers.”


书’s Midway office team provides the first line of customer service for 成员 with health insurance coverage through an employer or government program like 书re and 书id, as well as 成员 who buy individual or family insurance on their own. The Midway team also processes claims to ensure that health care providers receive prompt and accurate payment for the care they provide to 书’s 成员. 书 committed to hiring full-time employees from the surrounding area to work in these roles at its Midway office. 

The company set a goal of hiring 50 employees at Midway and has been able to hire 43 so far, with the first Health Plan Specialists beginning their careers on January 11, 2021. The employees are exclusively from local communities impacted by inequity in employment opportunity, representing 书’s intentional hiring practices to reflect the demographics of the area.

爱博体育手机版下载中途医院办公室“我们正在继续朝着50人的目标努力, 尽管现在的招聘形势非常复杂,巴克利说。.

由于COVID-19大流行, the employees have yet to move into the new building and have been working remotely.  大多数职位都是入门级的, with most hired individuals either starting their careers or having some customer service experience. Buckley said these employees must be able to engage customers in conversation, 同时利用技术来履行自己的职责. 除了, 由于远程工作设置, 员工需要能够自主工作, with independence and self-discipline to organize their time and manage a schedule. 

“Those skills are more important than their experience, quite frankly,巴克利说。. “The roles we are seeking are not just filling customer service orders, but having complex conversations dealing with what is happening in the lives of our 成员.“

The 43 new employees hired completed an eight-week training process, 积累技能, 巴克利说梅迪卡认为这是一个真正的承诺, especially in light of the fact 书 did not have remote roles prior to the pandemic. 

“We know that is an extremely big ask and we are truly impressed with these representatives who have been able to function so well in this environment,他说.

In 2022, 书 will continue to look to meet its 50-employee objective, 同时把重点放在留住已经聘用的员工上. 为此目的, 该公司评估了中途岛办公室员工的薪酬, 从每小时17美元上调.50 per hour to $19 per hour, as well as offering sign-on and retention bonuses. 它还提供健康和牙科保险等福利, 相应的401(k)退休计划和学费资助, 他们的总薪酬从55美元不等,000 to $70,000元/年.


Buckley said he cannot offer enough positive accolades for the help community partners offered 书 throughout their hiring process. 书 officials believe the success of the program was realized by building relationships with workforce development partners through consistent engagement on nearly a day-to-day basis.

“我们被介绍给社区的主要利益相关者, 就像善意复活节印章, 为生活的骄傲而雇佣和项目, 谁是真正的本地化支持机构,巴克利说。. “如果你不了解他们和他们的能力, 要像你想的那样成功是很难的.”



2022 (42)